Excessive Hair Loss During Pregnancy: Causes and Treatments



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Pregnancy can be an amazing time for women, but also challenging due to physical and emotional changes. One often overlooked issue during pregnancy is excessive hair loss. Women may notice increased shedding or thinning of their hair while pregnant, which is a common occurrence.

There are several reasons why hair loss can happen during pregnancy, including hormonal changes and nutritional deficiencies. We will discuss the common causes of hair loss, coping strategies, treatment options, and preventative measures that women can take to avoid excessive hair loss during pregnancy.


During pregnancy, women typically experience increased estrogen levels, which causes their hair follicles to stay in the growth phase for longer. This can lead to thicker and fuller-looking hair during pregnancy. However, once the baby is born and estrogen levels drop, these same thicker hairs start to shed at an increased rate. This excessive shedding usually occurs over 6-12 months postpartum.

In addition to hormone fluctuations in excessive hair loss during pregnancy, other factors, such as vitamin and iron deficiencies, can also contribute.

Pregnant women must ensure they take prenatal vitamins daily and get enough iron through diet or supplementation. If your iron level becomes too low, it could result in thinning hair or even bald spots on your scalp.

Additionally, ensure you drink plenty of water and exercise regularly to help regulate healthy hormone levels throughout your pregnancy.

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Common Causes

Wondering why your hair’s been thinning? Don’t worry; it’s not just you – it turns out many pregnant folks have this problem too.

Hair loss during pregnancy is common and usually caused by hormonal fluctuations that cause the hair cycle to shift from its normal growth phase into a resting phase. This means that more hairs than usual fall out when washing or brushing, reducing hair volume overall.

Treatment for the condition isn’t necessary, and the symptoms often resolve independently after childbirth as hormone levels return to normal. Additionally, some people may experience postpartum hair loss due to further changes in hormone levels.

This is also temporary and resolves over time and with proper hair care during pregnancy.

Coping Strategies

Don’t despair – there are ways to cope with thinning hair during pregnancy! Hair loss during pregnancy is often the result of a shift in hormones that causes hairs to move from the active growth phase (anagen) to a resting phase (telogen).

This can leave you with excessive shedding, but thankfully there are ideas you can use to help. Eating a healthy diet can help nourish your hair follicles and support healthy growth. Additionally, avoiding certain styling products or techniques that lead to additional breakage may be beneficial.

Lastly, don’t stress too much about it – this is only temporary, and your hair should return to normal once hormone levels stabilize post-delivery.

Hormonal Changes

Hormones can be a wild ride during pregnancy, causing changes that may affect your hair!

During pregnancy, the hormone estrogen increases. Estrogen helps to protect the hair from shedding, which can lead to thicker and shinier locks.

However, when you enter the third trimester of pregnancy, estrogen levels drop sharply, and this change can cause excessive hair loss.

Additionally, thyroid hormone levels fluctuate during pregnancy which can lead to further hair loss. This is because an increase in thyroid hormones interferes with the production of new hairs and makes existing hairs more susceptible to shedding.

To combat this issue, it’s important to maintain healthy thyroid hormone levels through adequate nutrition and regular checkups with your doctor.

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Nutritional Effects

Nourishing your body with the right nutrients is key to maintaining healthy hair growth during pregnancy. Women should pay attention to their diet.

Pregnant women need to get enough iron, as it can reduce the risk of developing iron deficiency anemia, which has been linked with hair loss during pregnancy. Women also need to ensure they’re getting enough iodine, as thyroid disorders may be a contributing factor in some cases of excessive hair loss during pregnancy.

Stress Factors

Moving from the nutritional effects of excessive hair loss during pregnancy to stress factors, it’s important to understand that environmental and physiological stress can contribute to the condition.

To begin with, a scalp subjected to traction alopecia due to tight hairstyles or excessive brushing and combing can lead to hair loss over time.

Additionally, gestational diabetes can also cause an increase in blood sugar levels.

Finally, another type of hair loss associated with pregnancy is telogen effluvium.

Genetic Factors

Another factor to consider when looking at hair loss during pregnancy is genetics. Some women are predisposed to experience it due to their family history. As the old adage goes, “Genetics load the gun but the environment pulls the trigger,” which certainly holds true.

A common genetic cause of hair loss is androgenetic alopecia. It can be caused by an imbalance in certain hormones (such as those related to thyroid issues), the use of birth control pills, or nutritional deficiency. Blood tests can be used to detect any underlying genetic conditions that may be contributing to excessive hair loss during pregnancy.

It’s important for women who suspect they have a genetic predisposition for hair loss during pregnancy to seek medical advice before they become pregnant.

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Treatment Options

If you’re struggling with hair thinning during pregnancy, some treatments are available to help.

For example, pregnant women experiencing nutritional deficiencies or anemia may need dietary modifications and vitamin supplements to restore their health and prevent excessive hair loss. In addition, shampoos containing ketoconazole have been shown to reduce hair shedding in some cases.

It’s important to note that these treatments can take several months before any noticeable results appear. Therefore, it’s important that pregnant women monitor their health closely and seek medical advice if they experience an excessive amount of hair loss for more than one month.

When to Seek Help

While pregnancy hair loss is a normal phase in many pregnancies, excessive shedding can indicate an underlying health issue. It’s also possible that your hair loss could be caused by a preexisting autoimmune condition or other medical issue.

Your doctor may recommend taking steps to manage your hair loss, such as avoiding tight hairstyles like braids and ponytails, using mild shampoos and conditioners, taking dietary supplements containing biotin and zinc, or even wearing a wig or hair weave if necessary.

In any case, it’s essential to rule out any potential health issues before trying treatment options for excessive hair loss during pregnancy.

Preventative Steps

People who are pregnant should eat a balanced diet that contains enough protein, vitamins, and minerals. Eating foods from all the groups will help ensure you get the nutrients.

If you have concerns about any vitamin deficiency. Additionally, it’s important to avoid stress as much as possible while pregnant; excessive stress can lead to an increase in hair loss.

Exercise for maintaining overall health during pregnancy. It helps reduce stress but also boosts circulation, which may improve hair health.

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It’s true: excessive hair loss during pregnancy can be a real challenge. You’ll find that by understanding hormonal changes, nutritional effects, genetic factors, and treatment options, as well as when to seek help, you can make an incredible difference in how much hair you keep.

Excessive hair loss during pregnancy doesn’t have to bring you down; instead, it can be a time of strength and resilience!

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