Goodbye Scalp Burns! Say Hello To These 10 Essential Tips For Relaxer Touch-Ups



Goodbye Scalp Burns! Say Hello To These 10 Essential Tips For Relaxer Touch Ups V1.0.edited.docx

So, you’ve decided to give yourself a relaxing touch-up at home. That’s great, but let me tell you, the last thing you want is a scalp burn ruining your day. Lucky for you, I’ve got some tips and precautions that will help you avoid that uncomfortable burning sensation.

From applying petroleum jelly to timing the process just right, these simple steps will ensure a smooth and safe relaxer touch-up experience. Trust me, your scalp will thank you!


Protect your scalp

To protect your scalp during relaxer touch-ups, make sure to apply petroleum jelly or scalp base on the ears, hairline, and scalp. This step is crucial in preventing burns and irritation caused by the chemical process of relaxing your hair. When applying the relaxer, it’s important to take extra care in protecting these sensitive areas.

The scalp is particularly susceptible to burning during a relaxer treatment because it contains delicate skin that can become irritated by the chemicals in the relaxer. Applying petroleum jelly or scalp base creates a barrier between the relaxer and your skin, reducing the risk of burns.

When applying the product, be sure to cover not only your scalp but also your ears and hairline. These areas are often overlooked but can still be affected by the relaxing process if not protected properly. By taking this simple precautionary measure, you can avoid unnecessary discomfort and potential damage to your skin.

In addition to using petroleum jelly or scalp base, there are other steps you can take to protect your scalp during a relaxer touch-up. It’s important to follow all instructions provided with the relaxer product and adhere strictly to recommended application times. Leaving the relaxer on for too long increases the risk of burning and damaging your scalp.

Furthermore, if you have sensitive skin or tend to burn easily, it’s essential to inform your hairstylist before starting the process. They can adjust their technique or recommend alternative products that are better suited for your needs.

Taking proper care of your scalp during a relaxer touch-up is vital for maintaining healthy hair and avoiding any unnecessary discomfort or damage. By following these tips and being proactive in protecting yourself from burns and irritation, you can ensure a successful relaxation process while keeping your scalp safe.

Gentle application technique

Using the back of the comb or your hands is a gentler way to apply the relaxer. This technique helps to minimize scalp burn and hair damage during relaxer touch-ups. Here are some tips for using this gentle application technique:

Start by sectioning your hair

Divide hair into small sections using clips or hair ties. This will ensure that the relaxer is evenly applied and reduce the risk of missing any areas.

Use the back of the comb

Instead of using the teeth of the comb, use the backside to spread the relaxer onto each section of your hair. This is a more gentle approach as it avoids direct contact with your scalp.

Apply in downward motions

When applying the relaxer, use downward strokes from root to tip. This helps to distribute the product evenly without causing friction on your scalp.

Seek professional help

If you’re unsure about how to properly apply a relaxer, it’s best to consult a professional hairstylist who has experience in handling chemical treatments like relaxers. They can provide guidance and ensure that a protective barrier such as petroleum jelly or scalp base is used before applying the relaxer.


Use a lower strength

If you have experienced scalp burns in the past, consider opting for a lower-strength relaxer to minimize the risk. Scalp irritation and relaxer burns are common issues that can occur during a relaxer service. Choosing the right type of relaxer for your hair is crucial in preventing these problems.

Sensitive scalp relaxers are specifically formulated for individuals with delicate skin. These relaxers contain milder ingredients that are less likely to cause irritation or chemical burns. By using a sensitive scalp relaxer, you decrease the chances of experiencing discomfort during the relaxing process.

Regular strength relaxers, on the other hand, maybe too harsh for sensitive scalps. They contain stronger chemicals that can potentially cause more damage and increase the risk of burns. If you have had previous issues with scalp burn, it is advisable to avoid regular strength relaxers and opt for a lower-strength option.

When choosing a lower-strength relaxer, consult with your stylist or read product labels carefully to ensure you select one suitable for your hair texture and needs. Lower strength does not mean compromising on straightening power; it simply means using gentler ingredients that will be kinder to your scalp.

In case you do experience scalp burn despite using a lower-strength relaxer, it is important to seek proper treatment immediately. Consult with professional stylist who can assess the situation and provide appropriate advice on chemical burn treatment options. Additionally, follow their instructions on caring for your burned scalp during the healing process.

Avoid overlapping relaxer

When applying a relaxer, make sure to avoid overlapping the product onto previously relaxed hair. Overlapping relaxers during touch-ups can lead to scalp burning and damage to the hair. The chemicals in the relaxer are designed to break down protein bonds in the hair, which makes it easier to straighten. However, if applied to already-processed hair, it can cause excessive damage and irritation.

To avoid overlapping relaxers, section your hair carefully before applying the product. Use clips or rubber bands to separate the previously relaxed hair from the new growth. This will ensure that only the new growth is being treated with the relaxer.

Another tip is to apply petroleum jelly or a protective base along your hairline and on your ears before applying the relaxer. This creates a barrier between your skin and the relaxer, reducing the risk of scalp burning.

During application, be mindful of how much product you’re using and where it’s being applied. Take small sections at a time and apply only to the new growth, avoiding any contact with previously relaxed hair.

If you accidentally overlap with previously relaxed hair, rinse immediately with cool water to minimize any potential damage. It’s important not to leave any trace of relaxer on previously processed hair as this can lead to breakage and weakening of strands.

Apply petroleum jelly

To prevent irritation, it’s important to apply petroleum jelly or a protective base along your hairline and on your ears before applying the relaxer. This creates a barrier between the relaxer and your sensitive scalp, reducing the risk of scalp burning during relaxer touch-ups.

Here are four tips to help you avoid scalp burning:

Apply petroleum jelly

Before applying the relaxer, take a small amount of petroleum jelly and gently massage it into your hairline and on your ears. This will create protective layer that prevents the relaxer from coming into direct contact with your skin.

Avoid overlapping relaxer

When doing touch-ups, make sure to only apply the relaxer to new growth and avoid overlapping onto previously relaxed hair. Overlapping can cause excessive chemical exposure and increase the chances of scalp burning.

Follow recommended timing

Always follow the time indicated on the relaxer instructions for application and processing. Leaving the relaxer on for too long can lead to scalp burning, so it’s crucial to adhere to the recommended timing.

Monitor your scalp

Pay attention to any signs of discomfort or burning sensation during the application process. If you start feeling any discomfort, immediately rinse off the relaxer with water and inform your stylist.


Section hair properly

To properly section your hair before applying the relaxer, divide it into small and manageable sections using clips or hair ties. This is an important step in preventing scalp burning during relaxer touch-ups. When you section your hair properly, you ensure that each strand receives an equal amount of relaxer, reducing the risk of overexposure to the chemicals.

When dividing your hair into sections, start by parting it down the middle from front to back. Then, create horizontal partings from ear to ear, securing each section with a clip or hair tie. This method allows for better control and ensures that all areas of your scalp are covered evenly.

By sectioning your hair properly, you can also avoid overlapping relaxers onto previously relaxed hair. Overlapping can lead to overprocessing and result in breakage or damage. It’s essential to follow this technique, especially if you are doing a touch-up on previously relaxed strands.

Remember to take your time when sectioning your hair and make sure each part is manageable for application. Rushing through this process may lead to uneven distribution of the relaxer and increase the chances of scalp burning.

Time the process

It’s important to keep track of the time during the relaxer process to avoid overexposure and potential scalp burns. Timing is crucial when it comes to touch-ups, as leaving the relaxer on for too long can cause scalp burning. To avoid this, make sure you follow the recommended time indicated on the relaxer instructions.

When applying a relaxer, it’s essential to section your hair properly. This not only ensures even application but also helps in managing the timing of each section. Start by dividing hair into small sections using clips or hair ties. This will allow you to apply the relaxer more efficiently and keep track of how long each section has been exposed to the product.

To further prevent scalp burning during the relaxer process, there are a few additional precautions you can take. Firstly, always wear gloves during application to protect your hands from any potential irritation. Secondly, choose a relaxer strength that suits your hair type. Using a milder formula may reduce the risk of scalp burns for those with sensitive skin.

Lastly, do not hesitate to speak up if you start feeling a burning sensation or discomfort during the process. Your comfort and safety should be prioritized by both yourself and your hairstylist.

Monitor scalp sensitivity

If you have a tendency to easily burn, make sure to inform your hairdresser before the relaxer application. It is important to monitor your scalp sensitivity during relaxer touch-ups to avoid burning and potential chemical burns. Here are some tips to help you prevent scalp burning:

Be aware of your scalp sensitivity

Pay attention to how your scalp reacts during previous relaxer applications. If you experience any burning or discomfort, it is crucial to inform your hairdresser beforehand.

Conduct a patch test

Before applying the relaxer all over your head, perform a patch test on hidden area of your scalp. This will allow you to gauge how sensitive your scalp is and determine if any adjustments need to be made.

Use protective measures

Apply petroleum jelly or a protective base along the hairline, ears, and sensitive areas of the scalp before applying the relaxer. This creates a barrier between the chemicals and your skin, reducing the risk of burning.

By monitoring your scalp sensitivity and taking these precautions, minimize the chances of experiencing uncomfortable burning or chemical burns during relaxer touch-ups.


Rinse thoroughly

After applying the relaxer, make sure to rinse your hair thoroughly to remove any remaining chemicals. This step is crucial in preventing scalp burning during relaxer touch-ups. When rinsing, it is important to pay attention to every section of your hair and ensure that no traces of the relaxer are left behind.

To rinse thoroughly, start by wetting your hair with lukewarm water. Gently massage your scalp and work the water through your strands, making sure that all areas are saturated. Then, apply a generous amount of neutralizing shampoo and lather it up. Massage your scalp and distribute the shampoo evenly throughout your hair.

Next, rinse out the shampoo completely. Use warm water and continue massaging your scalp as you rinse to ensure all residue is removed. Take extra care while rinsing near the nape of your neck and around the ears, where product buildup can occur.

Once you have rinsed out all the shampoo, follow up with moisturizing conditioner to replenish moisture lost during the relaxing process. Apply the conditioner from roots to ends and let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing it out thoroughly.

Deep condition hair

To deeply condition your hair, apply a generous amount of conditioner from roots to ends and leave it on for at least 15 minutes before rinsing. Deep conditioning treatments are essential after relaxer touch-ups to nourish and repair the hair that has been chemically processed.

Here are some tips to avoid scalp burning during relaxer touch-ups:

  1. Choose a deep conditioning treatment specifically formulated for chemically treated hair. Look for ingredients like some shea butter, argan oil, or keratin to provide intense moisture and strength.
  2. When applying the conditioner, imagine a luxurious spa experience as you massage it into your scalp using gentle circular motions. This will stimulate blood flow and promote healthy hair growth.
  3. As you let the conditioner sit, close your eyes and envision the nourishing ingredients penetrating each strand of hair, replenishing its moisture, and restoring its natural shine.
  4. While waiting for the deep conditioning treatment to work its magic, take this time to practice self-care by indulging in a relaxing activity like reading a book or listening to calming music.

By incorporating deep conditioning into your relaxer experience, you can strengthen and protect your hair while minimizing the risk of scalp burning. Remember to always follow the instructions on both the relaxer and conditioner containers for best results.

Your beautiful locks deserve nothing less than optimal care and attention. So go ahead, pamper yourself with a deep conditioning treatment will leave your hair looking lustrous and feeling incredibly soft and healthy!


Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Apply Relaxer on a Scalp With Sores or Irritation?

Yes, you should avoid applying a relaxer on a scalp with sores or irritation. It’s important to prioritize the health of your scalp and avoid further damage or discomfort.

Applying a relaxer on irritated or broken skin can cause intense burning and aggravate the condition. Instead, give your scalp time to heal before proceeding with any chemical treatments.

If you have concerns about your scalp’s condition, it’s always best to consult with a professional hairstylist for expert advice.

How Often Should I Wait Between Shampooing My Hair and Applying a Relaxer?

To avoid scalp burning during relaxer touch-ups, it is important to wait at least a week after shampooing your hair. This allows the scalp to recover and reduces the risk of irritation.

Applying a relaxer too soon after shampooing can increase the chances of scalp burn. By giving your scalp enough time to rest, you are ensuring a safer and more comfortable relaxer application experience.

Remember to always follow the instructions on the relaxer container for best results.

Is It Necessary to Wear Gloves During Relaxer Application?

Yes, it’s necessary for you to wear gloves during the relaxer application. Gloves provide a protective barrier between the relaxer and your skin, reducing the risk of scalp burn.

They also help prevent any accidental contact with the eyes or mucous membranes. By wearing gloves, you can ensure that the relaxer is applied safely and effectively without causing harm to your hands or scalp.

So remember, always prioritize safety by using gloves during relaxer touch-ups.

What Should I Do if I Feel a Burning Sensation During the Relaxer Application?

If you feel a burning sensation during the relaxer application, it’s important to speak up immediately. Inform your hairdresser about the discomfort so they can take necessary actions.

They may need to rinse off the relaxer earlier than planned or provide some relief to soothe your scalp. Remember, communication is key in ensuring your comfort and safety during the process.

Can I Exercise Before Applying a Relaxer?

Yes, you can exercise before applying a relaxer. However, it is suggested to avoid exercising two days before the application.

This is because sweating can irritate the scalp and make it more susceptible to burning during the relaxer process. It’s important to give your scalp some time to rest and recover before undergoing a chemical treatment.

Following this precaution will help minimize the risk of scalp burning and ensure a successful relaxer touch-up.

Final Thoughts

So there you have it, some valuable tips to avoid scalp burning during relaxer touch-ups. By following precautions, you can ensure safe and comfortable experience while achieving your desired hairstyle.

Remember, protecting your scalp is crucial, so don’t forget to use petroleum jelly or scalp base and inform your hairdresser about any sensitivities. It’s like wearing armor before heading into battle – it shields you from harm.

So take care of your scalp, be mindful of the process, and enjoy the beautiful results! Your journey to fabulous hair starts with a healthy scalp.

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