Home Remedies For Head Psoriasis: A Comprehensive Approach To Healing



Home Remedies For Head Psoriasis A Comprehensive Approach To Healing

Are you tired of dealing with the relentless itching, inflammation, and redness caused by scalp psoriasis? Look no further!

In this article, we will explore a range of home remedies that can bring you much-needed relief. From aloe vera gel to tea tree oil, these natural solutions have been proven effective in reducing symptoms.

So why suffer any longer? Take control of your scalp psoriasis with these simple yet powerful remedies, and start living your life itch-free.

Olive oil for scalp

You can try using olive oil on your scalp as a home remedy for scalp psoriasis to help reduce symptoms such as itching, inflammation, and flaking. Olive oil has been used for centuries in various cultures for its potential health benefits. When it comes to scalp psoriasis, olive oil can provide some relief due to its moisturizing properties.

Olive oil acts as a natural emollient, which means it soften and soothe the skin. This can be particularly beneficial for experiencing dryness and flaking associated with scalp psoriasis. Applying a small amount of olive oil to the affected areas of your scalp can help moisturize the skin and alleviate itching.

In addition, olive oil contains antioxidants such as vitamin E that may help reduce inflammation in the scalp. Psoriasis is autoimmune condition characterized by inflammation, so incorporating anti-inflammatory ingredients like olive oil into your hair care routine may offer some relief.

To use olive oil as a home remedy for scalp psoriasis, simply warm up a small amount of olive oil in your hands and gently massage it onto your scalp. Leave it on for about 30 minutes before rinsing off with some warm water and shampooing as usual.

It’s so important to note that while olive oil may provide temporary relief from symptoms, it’s not a cure for scalp psoriasis. If you have persistent or severe symptoms, it’s best to consult with a dermatologist who can provide you with more targeted treatment options.

Home Remedies For Head Psoriasis A Comprehensive Approach To Healing

Aloe vera gel treatment

To reduce itching, inflammation, flaking, and redness on your scalp, try using aloe vera gel. Aloe vera is used for centuries as a natural remedy for various skin conditions, including scalp psoriasis. The gel derived from the aloe plant contains anti-inflammatory properties that help soothe the symptoms of scalp psoriasis.

Scalp psoriasis is characterized by itchy patches of thickened and inflamed skin on the scalp. These patches can be uncomfortable and aesthetically displeasing. Aloe vera gel can provide relief by moisturizing the affected area and reducing inflammation.

To use aloe vera gel for scalp psoriasis, simply apply it directly to affected areas of your scalp. Gently massage it into your scalp and leave it on for about 30 minutes before rinsing it off with lukewarm water. You can repeat this process several times a week to see optimal results.

In addition to soothing properties, aloe vera gel also helps in maintaining natural pH balance of your scalp and promoting healing. It is important to note while aloe vera gel can provide temporary relief from symptoms, it may not be a cure for scalp psoriasis. Therefore, it is recommended to consult with a dermatologist for proper diagnosis and treatment options.

Tea tree oil remedy

Tea tree oil has antiseptic properties that potentially alleviate inflammation and redness associated with scalp psoriasis. Here are four reasons why you should consider using tea tree oil as natural treatment for this skin condition:

Anti-inflammatory properties

Tea tree oil contains compounds that have shown to reduce inflammation, which is a common symptom of scalp psoriasis. By applying tea tree oil to affected areas, you may experience relief from itching and discomfort.

Alleviates itching

One of most frustrating symptoms of scalp psoriasis is the constant itching. Tea tree oil has soothing properties that help relieve this itchiness, providing you with much-needed comfort.

Targets patches on the scalp

Scalp psoriasis often leads to the formation of thick, scaly patches on the scalp. Tea tree oil been found to effectively penetrate these patches and help break them down, allowing for healthier skin to emerge.

Natural remedy

Many individuals prefer using home remedies for their skin conditions due to concerns about potential side effects from medication or chemical-based treatments. Tea tree oil offers a natural alternative with its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.

When using tea tree oil for scalp psoriasis, it’s important to dilute it with a carrier oil before application. This will help prevent potential irritation or adverse reactions on your scalp. Additionally, remember to patch test before using it extensively.

While tea tree oil can be effective part of your overall treatment plan for scalp psoriasis, it’s important to consult with a dermatologist for a comprehensive evaluation and personalized guidance in managing your condition effectively.

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Apple cider vinegar rinse

When managing scalp psoriasis, consider incorporating an apple cider vinegar rinse into your treatment plan. Apple cider vinegar is used for centuries as natural remedy for ailments, including skin conditions like scalp psoriasis. To make the rinse, simply mix equal parts of apple cider vinegar and water.

Scalp psoriasis is chronic condition characterized by red, itchy plaques on the scalp. These plaques can be stubborn and difficult to manage, but apple cider vinegar may offer some relief. The acetic acid which is in apple cider vinegar has antimicrobial properties that help reduce inflammation and itching associated with scalp psoriasis.

To use the apple cider vinegar rinse, apply it directly to your scalp after shampooing. Gently massage it into your scalp and leave it on for a few minutes before rinsing thoroughly with water. You can do this once or twice every week as part of regular hair care routine.

While apple cider vinegar does not cure scalp psoriasis, it can provide temporary relief from symptoms and help maintain a healthy scalp environment. It is important to note everyone’s skin is different, so what works for one person may not work for another. If you experience any adverse reactions or if your symptoms worsen after using the rinse, discontinue use and consult with a dermatologist.

In addition to using apple cider vinegar rinse, there are other home remedies and topical treatments available for managing symptoms of scalp psoriasis. It’s always recommended to consult with healthcare professional for advice and guidance in developing an effective treatment plan based on individual needs.

Coconut oil scalp massage

Consider incorporating a coconut oil scalp massage into your routine for relief from scalp psoriasis symptoms. Here are some reasons why it could be beneficial:

Coconut oil

Known for its moisturizing properties, coconut oil can help soothe and hydrate the scalp, reducing dryness and flaking associated with head psoriasis.

Scalp massage

Massaging the scalp with coconut oil can increase blood circulation and promote relaxation, which may help alleviate stress-related triggers of psoriasis symptoms.

Home remedies

Coconut oil scalp massages are a natural and affordable alternative to expensive scalp treatments or medications. It’s a convenient option that you can easily incorporate into your daily routine.

Mild scalp psoriasis

If you have mild scalp psoriasis, coconut oil massages may be particularly effective in managing your symptoms. However, it’s always important to consult with a healthcare professional before trying any new treatment.

While there is limited scientific research on the effects of coconut oil on scalp psoriasis, anecdotal evidence suggests that many individuals have found relief from their symptoms using this home remedy. The moisturizing properties of coconut oil, coupled with the therapeutic benefits of massaging the scalp, make it popular choice for those seeking natural solutions for their condition.

Oatmeal paste application

To alleviate itching and inflammation, you can try applying an oatmeal paste to your scalp. Oatmeal has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for various skin conditions, including scalp psoriasis. It is known for its soothing properties and ability to relieve dry and irritated skin.

Oatmeal baths have long been recommended for their therapeutic effects on the skin. When used topically, oatmeal can help reduce redness, itching, and flaking associated with scalp psoriasis. To make an oatmeal paste, simply grind raw oats into fine powder and mix it with water until it forms a thick consistency.

Once you have prepared the oatmeal paste, gently apply it to the affected areas of your scalp. Massage it using circular motions to ensure even distribution. Leave the paste on for about 15-20 minutes before rinsing it off with lukewarm water.

The topical application of oatmeal can provide relief from scaly patches and soothe inflamed skin. It acts as natural moisturizer, helping to hydrate the scalp and reduce dryness. Additionally, oatmeal contains antioxidants that help protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals.

While home remedies like oatmeal paste can offer temporary relief from symptoms of scalp psoriasis, it is important to consult with dermatologist for proper diagnosis and treatment options. They can provide recommendations based on the severity of your condition.

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Epsom salt scalp soak

If you’re looking for a soothing solution to ease scalp discomfort, try adding Epsom salt to warm water and soaking your scalp. Epsom salt, also known as magnesium sulfate, has been used for centuries as natural remedy for various ailments. When it comes to scalp psoriasis, this simple home remedy can provide relief from itching, inflammation, and flaking.

To prepare an Epsom salt scalp soak, dissolve half a cup of Epsom salt in warm water. Make sure the water is comfortably warm and not too hot. Soak your scalp in the mixture for about 15 minutes, allowing the Epsom salt to work its magic. Gently massage your scalp while soaking to further promote relaxation and blood circulation.

Epsom salt is believed to help alleviate scalp psoriasis symptoms due to its anti-inflammatory properties. It can help reduce itchiness and redness while promoting healing of the affected skin. Additionally, it may also help remove excess dead skin cells from the scalp.

It’s important to note that while Epsom salt soaks can provide temporary relief, they are not a substitute for medical treatment. If you have severe or persistent symptoms of scalp psoriasis, it’s crucial to consult with a dermatologist who can provide proper diagnosis and guidance on managing this chronic condition.

Baking soda scalp scrub

Try using a baking soda scalp scrub to exfoliate and reduce itching, inflammation, and flaking on your scalp. Baking soda known as sodium bicarbonate, is a versatile household ingredient that can provide relief for various skin conditions, including scalp psoriasis. This simple home remedy works by gently exfoliating the skin and balancing its pH levels.

To make a baking soda scalp scrub, mix baking soda and water equally to create paste. Apply the paste directly onto your scalp, focusing on the affected areas. Gently massage the scrub into scalp in circular motions for few minutes before rinsing it off with warm water.

Baking soda removes dead skin cells and excess oil from the scalp, reducing itching and inflammation associated with psoriasis. It also has antibacterial properties that may help prevent secondary infections.

It’s important to note that while baking soda can be effective in relieving symptoms of scalp psoriasis, it should not replace medical treatment or prescribed medications. If you have severe or persistent symptoms, consult with dermatologist for proper diagnosis and treatment options.

Incorporating this baking soda scalp scrub into your regular hair care routine can provide some relief from itchiness, inflammation, and flaking caused by psoriasis. However, it’s essential to monitor how your skin reacts to the scrub and discontinue use if any irritation occurs.

Remember to always patch-test new products or remedies before applying them to large areas of your body. Additionally, maintaining good overall health by managing stress levels, eating a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals, staying hydrated, and avoiding triggers such as alcohol consumption or smoking can also help manage symptoms of scalp psoriasis effectively.

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Fish oil supplement intake

Consider incorporating fish oil supplements into your daily routine to potentially reduce inflammation and alleviate symptoms of scalp psoriasis.

Scalp psoriasis is chronic skin condition characterized by rapid growth of skin cells, leading to formation of red, itchy, and scaly patches on scalp. It is believed to be caused by an overactive immune system, making it an autoimmune disease. While medical treatment is necessary for managing scalp psoriasis effectively, home remedies can be added to the treatment plan to provide additional relief from itching and scalp irritation.

Fish oil supplements has omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties. These fatty acids reduce inflammation in body, including on the scalp. Although their effects specifically on scalp psoriasis are not yet fully proven, incorporating fish oil supplements into your daily routine appears safe and beneficial.

Severe itching is one of the most common symptoms of scalp psoriasis that can significantly impact your quality of life. Fish oil supplements may provide relief from this severe itching by reducing inflammation in the affected area. By targeting the underlying cause of scalp psoriasis – inflammation – fish oil supplements can potentially alleviate symptoms and improve overall comfort.

It’s important to note that while fish oil supplements may offer some benefits for individuals with scalp psoriasis, they should not replace medical treatment prescribed by a healthcare professional. If you suspect you have scalp psoriasis or are currently undergoing treatment for it, consult with a dermatologist before starting new supplement regimen. They can provide guidance based on specific needs and help develop a comprehensive approach for managing this chronic skin condition effectively.

Chamomile tea scalp rinse

To soothe your scalp and potentially reduce inflammation, rinse your hair with chamomile tea. Chamomile has long been used for its calming properties and is often found in skincare products due to its anti-inflammatory effects.

To make a chamomile tea rinse, steep a few chamomile tea bags or loose chamomile flowers in hot water for about 15 minutes. Once the tea has cooled down, strain out the flowers or remove tea bags and pour the liquid over your scalp after shampooing. Gently massage it into scalp and let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing it out with water.

Chamomile tea can help soothe an irritated scalp by reducing redness and itchiness. It may also help to break down scales that can form on the scalp due to conditions like psoriasis. The natural ingredients in chamomile, such as bisabolol and flavonoids, have been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties that can provide relief for inflamed skin.

While there is limited scientific research specifically on using chamomile tea as a treatment for scalp conditions like psoriasis, many people have reported positive results from using this natural remedy. However, it’s important to note that individual experiences may vary, and it’s always best to consult with dermatologist before trying new treatments.

In addition to using chamomile tea as a rinse, there are other home remedies that may help manage scalp psoriasis symptoms. Non-medicated shampoos containing coal tar or salicylic acid can be effective in treating psoriasis scales on the scalp. Tea tree oil is another natural ingredient known for its anti-inflammatory properties and can alleviate inflammation and redness. Moreover, sun exposure can provide vitamin D, which may relieve some symptoms of scalp psoriasis.

Remember that while home remedies can provide temporary relief, they should not replace medical treatment prescribed by a healthcare professional. It’s essential to work with a dermatologist to develop a comprehensive treatment plan for managing scalp psoriasis effectively.

Dead Sea salt soak

For a soothing and potentially beneficial treatment, you can immerse yourself in a warm bath with Dead Sea salt to alleviate symptoms of scalp psoriasis. Dead Sea salt is loaded with lot of minerals and potassium that can help reduce inflammation, exfoliate dead skin cells, and promote healthier skin.

Here are some key benefits of using Dead Sea salt as a home remedy for scalp psoriasis:

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The coarse texture of Dead Sea salt helps remove dead skin cells from scalp, reducing flaking and itching associated with psoriasis.


Soaking in bath with Dead Sea salt help hydrate the scalp and relieve dryness. This can help prevent further irritation and promote healing.

Increased blood circulation

The minerals in Dead Sea salt have been found to improve blood flow to scalp. This increased circulation can aid in the delivery of nutrients to the affected area, promoting healing.

To use Dead Sea salt as a treatment for scalp psoriasis, follow these steps:

  • Fill your bathtub with warm water.
  • Add approximately one cup of Dead Sea salt to the bathwater.
  • Stir the water to dissolve the salt completely.
  • Immerse yourself in the bath for about 15-20 minutes.
  • Gently massage your scalp while soaking to enhance exfoliation and maximize absorption of minerals.

Remember to rinse off thoroughly after your bath and avoid using harsh shampoos or hair products that may irritate your scalp.

While home remedies like this one can provide temporary relief from symptoms, it’s important to consult with healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and comprehensive treatment options for scalp psoriasis.

Turmeric paste for psoriasis

Turmeric paste can be applied topically to alleviate symptoms of scalp psoriasis. Scalp psoriasis is a common chronic skin disorder characterized by red, itchy, and scaly patches on the scalp. While medical treatments are available, some individuals may turn to home remedies for relief. One such remedy is turmeric paste.

Turmeric, spice commonly used in cooking, has been valued for its medicinal properties for centuries. It contains active compound called curcumin, which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. These properties make turmeric paste an appealing option for managing scalp psoriasis.

To create a turmeric paste, mix one teaspoon of turmeric powder with enough water or oil (such as coconut or olive oil) to form a thick paste. Apply the paste directly to affected areas of your scalp and leave it on for about 30 minutes before rinsing off with lukewarm water.

Research suggests that curcumin’s anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce inflammation and itching associated with psoriasis. However, more studies are needed to fully understand its effectiveness as a treatment for scalp psoriasis.

It’s important to note that while turmeric paste may provide temporary relief from symptoms, it should never replace medical treatment prescribed by healthcare professional. If you have severe or persistent symptoms of scalp psoriasis, it is recommended to consult with a dermatologist who can provide appropriate medical guidance.

Witch hazel scalp treatment

Applying witch hazel to the scalp can provide relief from symptoms of scalp psoriasis. Witch hazel is a natural astringent contains tannins, which have anti-inflammatory properties. Here are some key benefits of using witch hazel for scalp psoriasis:

Soothes inflammation

Witch hazel helps reduce redness and inflammation associated with scalp psoriasis. Its anti-inflammatory properties can calm irritated skin and relieve itching.

Controls oil production

Excessive oil on the scalp can worsen scalp psoriasis symptoms. Witch hazel acts as astringent, helping to regulate oil production and keep the scalp balanced.

Promotes healing

Witch hazel has antimicrobial properties that can prevent infection in open sores or lesions caused by scratching. This promotes faster healing and reduces risk of complications.

Refreshes the scalp

Witch hazel has a cooling effect when applied to the skin, providing instant relief from discomfort associated with scalp psoriasis. It also helps to cleanse scalp by removing impurities and excess flakes.

To use witch hazel for your scalp psoriasis, follow these steps:

  • Dilute witch hazel with equal parts water.
  • Apply the mixture directly to scalp using a cotton pad or ball.
  • Gently massage it into your skin for a few minutes.
  • Leave it on for about 15 minutes before rinsing it with warm water.
  • Repeat this twice daily for best results.
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Neem oil for psoriasis

Neem oil, a natural remedy derived from the neem tree, has been shown to have potential benefits for managing psoriasis symptoms. This herbal remedy has long been used in traditional medicine for its medicinal properties. When it comes to scalp psoriasis, neem oil’s antifungal and antiseptic properties make it effective natural treatment option.

The medicinal properties of neem oil can help reduce inflammation with scalp psoriasis. Its antifungal properties can also help combat any fungal infections that may be present on the scalp. Additionally, its antiseptic properties can promote healing and prevent further infection.

To use neem oil for scalp psoriasis, you can mix few drops of the oil with carrier oil like coconut or olive oil. Gently massage this mixture onto your scalp and leave it on for about 30 minutes before rinsing it off with a mild shampoo.

It’s important to note that while neem oil can provide relief from scalp psoriasis symptoms, it is not a cure for the condition. It should be used as part of a comprehensive treatment plan that includes medical guidance and prescribed medications if necessary.

Vitamin D supplement intake

Vitamin D supplements are believed to have potential benefits in managing scalp psoriasis symptoms. Scalp psoriasis is chronic skin condition characterized by red, and scaly patches on scalp. While no cure for scalp psoriasis, various home remedies can help alleviate its symptoms.

Incorporating vitamin D supplement intake into your daily routine may be beneficial for managing scalp psoriasis. Vitamin D plays crucial role in regulating immune system and promoting healthy skin cell growth. Research suggests that individuals with psoriasis often have lower levels of vitamin D in bodies.

Studies have shown vitamin D supplementation can have positive effects on reducing inflammation and improving the overall severity of psoriasis symptoms. It is important to note that while vitamin D supplements may provide some relief, they should not replace treatment prescribed by your healthcare provider.

Other common home remedies for scalp psoriasis include using corticosteroids, coal tar products, and ultraviolet light therapy. Corticosteroids reduce inflammation and itching associated with scalp psoriasis. Coal tar products work by slowing down the excessive growth of skin cells and reducing inflammation. Ultraviolet light therapy involves exposing the affected area to controlled amounts of natural or artificial uv light, which can help slow down skin cell turnover.

Before starting any new treatments or supplements, it’s essential to consult with healthcare provider or dermatologist. They will be able to assess your specific condition and provide guidance on the most appropriate treatment options for you.

Remember that everyone’s experience with scalp psoriasis may vary, so it take some trial and error to find best combination of home remedies and medical treatments that work for you. Stay consistent with your chosen treatment plan and monitor any changes in your symptoms over time. By actively managing scalp psoriasis, you can improve your quality of life and minimize its impact on daily activities.

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Final Thoughts

In conclusion, scalp psoriasis can be effectively managed at home with a variety of remedies. You can try using olive oil, aloe vera gel, tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar rinse, coconut oil scalp massage, turmeric paste, witch hazel treatment, neem oil, and vitamin D supplements.

These natural options provide relief from itching and inflammation while improving the overall condition of your scalp. Remember to consult with a dermatologist for proper evaluation and guidance.

Take control of your scalp psoriasis today and improve your quality of life!

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