The Ultimate Guide: How to Transition from Relaxed to Natural Hair



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Everyone wants beautiful, healthy hair. If you’re looking to transition from relaxed to natural hair, then you’ve come to the right place! With some knowledge and the right styling techniques, you can learn how to embrace your natural texture while maintaining healthy hair.

In this article, we’ll walk you through the basics of transitioning from relaxed to natural hair. We’ll cover everything from understanding your hair type and detangling to protective styles and moisture balance.

The Ultimate Guide: How to Transition from Relaxed to Natural Hair1

Understanding Hair Type

Understanding your hair type is essential to unlocking its potential and finding the best style for you. Before transitioning from relaxed to natural hair, it’s important to understand the characteristics of your hair. This includes its texture, porosity, density, curl pattern, etc.

These elements will help you determine which products are best. For instance, those with high porosity may need more conditioner than those with low porosity since their cuticle layers are raised and absorb more product.

Those with thicker or coarser textures may need heavier oils or creams, while thinner or finer textures might require lighter products that won’t weigh down their strands. Protective styles such as braids or buns can also be helpful in shielding your scalp from damage caused by heat-styling tools.

Regardless of your particular hair type, understanding it is essential when transitioning to natural hair!

Detangling and Styling

Detangling and styling your tresses can seem overwhelming, but with the right technique, you’ll be rocking a show-stopping look in no time!

To make the process easier, start by using a wide-tooth comb to gently remove knots from your hair. If you have tightly coiled curls, use a leave-in conditioner before detangling to protect against breakage.

Once your hair is tangle-free, style it as desired. Try braiding your hair for easy waves or flat ironing it for sleek straight strands.

Don’t forget to apply heat protectants and natural oils beforehand to keep your locks healthy and hydrated.

With these tips, you’re sure to achieve gorgeous results with any hairstyle!

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Protective Styles

Protective styles are a wonderful way to give your hair a break and help you show off your creativity! There are options when it comes to protective styling, from box braids to cornrows. These styles not only protect your hair from everyday wear and tear but also allow you to explore different shapes, textures, and colors that wouldn’t be possible with relaxed hair.

To ensure your hair’s health while in protective styles, make sure to deep condition it regularly and maintain a strict wash day routine. Natural hairstyles such as twist-outs or braid-outs can also be used as protective styling if you don’t want something more permanent.

Experiment with looks until you find the one that works for you! With the right care and maintenance, these protective styles can help keep your natural hair healthy all year round.

Moisture and Protein Balance

Keeping your tresses healthy is a balancing act between moisture and protein, just like walking a tightrope! You’ll need to keep your natural hair nourished with a balance of moisture and protein in order to transition from relaxed to natural hair.

This means understanding which products contain the necessary ingredients for proper hydration and strengthening of your locks. Different protective hairstyles can also help you maintain the balance between moisture and protein.

An amazing way to find out what works best for you is by consulting with an experienced hair stylist or trichologist who specializes in natural hair care. They can recommend specific hair products that will help you achieve the perfect balance of both moisture and protein for your tresses.

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Heat Damage Prevention

Curling irons, blow dryers, and other heated styling tools can wreak havoc on your strands if not used properly, so it’s important to take measures to protect your locks from heat damage.

To avoid any issues, the key is to limit the usage of heat styling. Before using any heated tool, apply a natural hair product that’ll act as a thermal protector.

Also, make sure to deep condition regularly and use wide-tooth combs for detangling. Heat damage prevention is all about being mindful of how much heat you’re applying to your hair and taking steps to ensure it stays healthy.

When possible, let your natural curls air-dry instead of relying on heated tools – that’ll help keep your hair looking its best!

Trimming Relaxed Ends

Trimming your ends regularly is a must for maintaining healthy, manageable locks – so don’t forget to snip those split ends and keep your style looking fresh!

When transitioning from relaxed hair to natural hair, it’s important to establish a regular trimming routine. Depending on your individual curl pattern and hairstyle.

Trimming away the relaxed ends will help you create an even transition and reveal more of your natural curl patterns. It’s all part of the journey toward achieving beautiful natural hair!

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Embrace Natural Texture

Once you’ve trimmed the damaged ends, it’s time to embrace your unique texture and let your coils shine! Relaxed hair is a beautiful part of the journey for many women, but with the right care and attention, you can now get in touch with your natural curl pattern.

Instead of using heat-based products or flat irons on relaxed hair, switch things up by using more natural styling options that will help bring out those curls.

Invest in some leave-in conditioners or moisturizers specifically made for natural textures that will nourish each strand without putting too much strain on your hair. By embracing the beauty of your natural texture, you’ll be able to create an even healthier head of hair than before!

Maintaining Healthy Hair

Nurturing your tresses is key to keeping them healthy and lush, so don’t let them languish! As you transition from relaxed to natural hair, it’s essential to maintain the health of your hair.

Natural hair requires different maintenance than relaxed hair, as it doesn’t have the same protective coating that chemical processes provide. To keep your natural hair looking its best, focus on increasing moisture levels in your hair and scalp, using protein treatments as needed to strengthen strands prone to breakage, and encouraging healthy growth with regular trims.

The natural hair movement has made significant strides in recent years. Learning how best to care for your own particular texture is an essential part of any successful transition from relaxed to natural.

Don’t hesitate to seek some professional advice if you feel overwhelmed – many stylists specialize in helping clients make the switch from chemically-treated tresses back to their natural state!

Transitioning Basics

Making the switch from chemically-treated locks can be challenging, so it’s key to understand the basics of transitioning! It’s important to keep in mind your natural hair type and how it will affect the process.

Hair relaxers weaken hair strands and make them more prone to breakage, so extra care needs to be taken when transitioning back to natural. Deep conditioning is a must during this period as it helps strengthen weak hair strands and nourish your scalp.

Additionally, special care should be taken when styling your hair, as some styles may not work for natural textures. Knowing what works best for your individual hair type is essential in order to ensure that you are taking adequate precautions while transitioning.

With some dedication and patience, you can make a successful transition to beautiful, healthy natural hair!

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Cutting Relaxed Hair

Before making the big chop, try trimming a few inches at a time to get used to shorter hair. If you have multiple layers of relaxed hair, start cutting off the longest layer first before moving on to shorter ones.

When cutting your relaxed hair, be sure to use sharp scissors that don’t tug or pull on your strands. Dull scissors can cause hair breakage and hair loss during the process.

You should avoid using hot tools like flat irons or curling wands when trying to style your new natural look until you get used to managing it. Additionally, steer clear of using any hair dye products since coloring can weaken already damaged hair follicles even further.

Taking these precautions will help you transition from relaxed hair into natural hair with minimal breakage and loss–setting you up for success in achieving beautiful curly tresses!


Now that you know the basics of transitioning from relaxed to natural hair, it’s time to get started. With patience and dedication, your journey can be successful!

Don’t forget: always keep moisture and protein balance in check, avoid heat damage, and embrace your natural texture.

As you transition, remember that there will be days when it feels like a struggle—but if you stay consistent with a healthy regimen for your hair, it will eventually pay off.

Imagine the feeling of freedom as you proudly wear your beautiful curls or coils without any chemicals–it’s an experience worth fighting for!

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Hair Care Basics
Styling Tools
Flat Irons
Curling Irons
Hair Dryers
Hair Types and Styles
Natural Hair
Relaxed Hair
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