Why Keracare Super Reconstructor Is A Must-Have For Hair Care



Why Keracare Super Reconstructor Is A Must Have For Hair Care

Imagine having weak and damaged hair that feels like a brittle mess. But fear not! The Keracare Super Reconstructor is here to save the day.

This powerful hair product penetrates deep within your hair fibers, fortifying them from within and locking in much-needed moisture. With its low pH formula, it restores your hair’s natural porosity and leaves it feeling elastic, strong, and beautifully shiny.

Say goodbye to breakage and hello to a head-turning mane with this highly effective treatment.

Why Keracare Super Reconstructor Is A Must Have For Hair Care

Hair Repair Results

After using the Keracare Super Reconstructor, you’ll notice that your hair becomes stronger, more elastic, and less brittle. This powerful product is designed to repair weak and damaged hair, addressing issues such as shedding, breakage, severe cuticle and fiber degradation caused by chemical treatments, heat styling tools, mechanical stress, or sun exposure.

The Keracare Super Reconstructor penetrates deep within the cortex of your hair to fortify the hair fibers. It forms a fibrillar network that locks in moisture and restores natural porosity to your hair. By doing so, it increases the elasticity and strength of your hair while improving its overall condition.

When our hair is damaged, the fibers become shredded and lose their natural porosity. The Keracare Super Reconstructor works by repairing these shredded fibers and restoring their natural structure. As a result, your hair regains its resilience and flexibility.

This reconstruction treatment also helps reduce brittleness in your hair. Brittle strands are prone to breakage and can lead to further damage. The Keracare Super Reconstructor moisturizes your hair from within, reducing brittleness over time.

By enhancing the health of your damaged hair shafts with this reconstructor treatment, you’ll experience improved manageability and increased shine. Your natural coloration will be enhanced as well.

Deep Conditioning Power

To achieve deep conditioning power, apply the Keracare Super Reconstructor to freshly shampooed hair and gently comb it through. This product is specifically formulated to repair weak and damaged hair, addressing issues such as shedding, breakage, and severe cuticle and fiber degradation.

Here are four key points about the deep conditioning power of the Keracare Super Reconstructor:

Fortifies Hair Fibers

The Keracare Super Reconstructor penetrates deep within the cortex of your hair, fortifying the hair fibers from within. It forms a fibrillar network that helps lock in moisture and restore natural porosity to your hair.

Increases Elasticity and Strength

By deeply conditioning your hair, this reconstructor increases its elasticity and strength. This is especially beneficial for those looking to improve their overall hair condition and restore lost moisture.

Reduces Brittleness

The intensive moisturizing properties of the Keracare Super Reconstructor help reduce brittleness in your hair. It nourishes each strand from root to tip, leaving you with softer, more manageable locks.

Repairs Shredded Hair Fibers

If you’re dealing with shredded or damaged hair fibers, this reconstructor can help repair them effectively. Its low pH formula targets areas of damage caused by chemical treatments, heat styling, mechanical stressors, or sun exposure.

Incorporating the Keracare Super Reconstructor into your regular hair maintenance routine is essential for achieving healthier-looking locks. Whether you’re using it for specific repair purposes or as part of a comprehensive hair moisture plan, this product will leave your tresses feeling revitalized and rejuvenated. Say bye to dryness and hello to beautifully conditioned strands with the deep conditioning power of Keracare Super Reconstructor!

Why Keracare Super Reconstructor Is A Must Have For Hair Care 2

Strengthens Damaged Hair

By deeply conditioning your hair, the Keracare Super Reconstructor strengthens damaged hair, increasing its elasticity and strength. This product is designed to address severe cuticle and fiber degradation caused by chemical treatments, heat styling, mechanical stress, or sun damage. It penetrates deep within the cortex of the hair to fortify the strands and forms a fibrillar network that locks in moisture.

The Keracare Super Reconstructor contains natural ingredients that effectively repair weak and damaged hair. It restores natural porosity to the hair, improving its condition and reducing brittleness. Customers have praised this product for enhancing natural coloration, creating shine, and producing a soft and silky texture.

To use the Keracare Super Reconstructor, apply it to freshly shampooed and towel-blotted hair. Gently comb through to distribute the product evenly. Cover your hair with plastic cap and use a warm hood dryer for 10 minutes. Rinse thoroughly without combing. Follow up with Keracare Humecto Creme Conditioner for an additional 10 minutes before rinsing again.

Customers who have used this product after relaxers highly recommend it as a protein treatment. They have noticed significant improvements in their hair’s silkiness, shine, softness, and manageability. The Keracare Super Reconstructor has been praised for surpassing other protein treatments on the market by delivering exceptional results.

If you’re looking to strengthen your damaged hair and restore its health, consider incorporating the Keracare Super Reconstructor into your hair care routine. Its powerful formula, combined with rave customer reviews, makes it an excellent choice for combating severe degradation in your tresses while promoting overall hair health.

Restores Hair Health

If your hair is in need of restoration, the Avlon Keracare Super Reconstructor can help bring back its health and vitality. This product is specifically designed to address various hair issues such as shedding, breakage, severe cuticle and fiber degradation caused by chemical treatments, heat styling, mechanical stress, or sun damage.

Here are four key benefits of using the Avlon Keracare Super Reconstructor:

Restores natural porosity to hair

Over time, hair can lose its ability to retain moisture due to external factors like heat and sun exposure. The Keracare Super Reconstructor penetrates deep within the cortex of the hair strands to repair and fortify them from within. By restoring the natural porosity of your hair, it helps lock in moisture and prevent further damage.

Enhances natural coloration

Sun damage and other external factors can cause your hair’s color to fade or become dull over time. The Avlon Keracare Super Reconstructor contains ingredients that not only repair damaged strands but also enhance the natural color of your hair. Regular use can lead to vibrant and lustrous locks.

Improves overall hair condition

Severe cuticle and fiber degradation can leave your hair feeling brittle and weak. This reconstructing treatment works to strengthen your strands by increasing elasticity and reducing brittleness. As a result, you’ll notice improved texture, softness, and manageability.

Reduces fiber degradation

Fiber degradation occurs when the structural integrity of your hair becomes compromised due to various factors like chemical treatments or excessive heat styling. The Avlon Keracare Super Reconstructor contains ingredients that effectively combat this issue by forming a fibrillar network around each strand, protecting it from further damage.

Why Keracare Super Reconstructor Is A Must Have For Hair Care 3

Intense Repair Formula

The Avlon Keracare Super Reconstructor has an intense repair formula that effectively addresses various hair issues, such as shedding, breakage, and severe cuticle and fiber degradation. This product is must-have in your hair care arsenal if you want to restore the health of your hair.

Hair loss can be a common problem, but with the Keracare Super Reconstructor, you can combat this issue head-on. The intense repair formula works by penetrating deep into the hair follicles, fortifying the hair fibers from within. It targets weak and damaged areas of hair, helping to reduce shedding and breakage.

When it comes to repairing damaged hair, it’s important to focus on both the internal and external layers of the hair. The Keracare Super Reconstructor does just that by addressing cuticle and fiber degradation. It forms a fibrillar network that locks in moisture, restoring natural porosity to your strands.

Incorporating this product into your regular hair routine will not only help repair damage but also improve the overall condition of your hair. The intense repair formula increases elasticity and strength while moisturizing your strands and reducing brittleness. It enhances natural coloration and adds shine to your locks for a healthy-looking finish.

Remember, healthy hair starts from within, so make sure to nourish yourself with a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals. Additionally, don’t forget to trim your ends regularly to prevent further damage.

Investing in the Avlon Keracare Super Reconstructor will give you thicker, stronger locks that are full of vitality. Say goodbye to dull and lifeless hair – this product is here to transform your mane into luscious strands filled with shine and bounce!

Smooth and Silky

Now that we’ve discussed the intense repair formula of the Avlon Keracare Super Reconstructor let’s delve into another fantastic benefit of this product – achieving smooth and silky hair.

After using the Keracare Super Reconstructor, you’ll be amazed at how your hair feels. The unique formulation penetrates deep within the cortex to fortify each hair fiber, resulting in increased elasticity and strength. This means less breakage and shedding, giving you smoother strands that are less prone to damage.

To maximize the smoothing effects of this reconstructor, it is recommended to use a warm hood dryer for 10 minutes after applying the product. The gentle heat helps to activate its reparative properties and lock in moisture. Once rinsed out, follow up with the KERACARE HUMECTO CREME CONDITIONER for an additional 10 minutes to further enhance smoothness and hydration.

Whether you have chemically treated hair or natural locks, the Keracare Super Reconstructor is suitable for all hair types. It not only repairs existing damage but also restores natural porosity, leaving your tresses feeling soft, silky, and manageable.

In terms of dimensions, the Avlon Keracare Super Reconstructor comes in a convenient size that is easy to handle during application. As for delivery options, you can find this product online or at select stores near you.

When considering price points for this reconstructor, it’s essential to take into account its exceptional quality and effectiveness. While prices vary depending on where purchase it from, investing in a high-quality product like this can save you money in the long run by reducing salon visits.

Overall, if you’re looking for a solution that will give hair a smooth and silky finish while repairing damage from chemical treatments or everyday stressors – look no further than the Avlon Keracare Super Reconstructor.

Why Keracare Super Reconstructor Is A Must Have For Hair Care 4

Nourishes and Rebuilds

Achieve nourished and rebuilt hair by applying the Avlon Keracare Super Reconstructor according to the directions provided. This powerful protein treatment is specifically designed to address the condition of your hair, providing it with the necessary nourishment and repair it needs. Here are five key benefits of using this daily hair sustainer:


The Keracare Super Reconstructor deeply penetrates into the cortex of your hair, delivering essential nutrients that nourish and strengthen each strand from within.


By forming a fibrillar network, this reconstructor reconstructs damaged areas of your hair, restoring its structure and integrity.


With its low pH formula, this product locks in moisture and reduces brittleness, leaving your hair soft, smooth, and manageable.


Whether you’re dealing with chemical treatments, heat styling tools, or sun damage, this reconstructor effectively repairs weak and damaged hair fibers.


In addition to repairing and revitalizing your hair, the Keracare Super Reconstructor enhances natural coloration while producing shine for a vibrant look.

To achieve optimal results with the Avlon Keracare Super Reconstructor, follow these simple directions:

  1. Start by shampooing your hair thoroughly.
  2. Gently towel blot your hair to remove excess water.
  3. Apply the reconstructor evenly throughout your damp strands using a wide-toothed comb for even distribution.
  4. Cover your hair with plastic cap and use a warm hood dryer for 10 minutes to allow product to penetrate deeply into each strand.
  5. Rinse thoroughly without combing through your hair.
  6. Follow up with KERACARE HUMECTO CREME CONDITIONER for added hydration. Leave on for 10 minutes before rinsing again.

Incorporating Avlon Keracare Super Reconstructor into your routine will provide daily nourishment and repair for your hair, leaving it healthy, strong, and beautifully revitalized.

Salon-Quality Treatment

For a salon-quality treatment, follow the directions provided to nourish and rebuild your hair with the Avlon Keracare Super Reconstructor. This product is designed to address weak and damaged hair on your hair journey. If your hair feels lifeless or has been subjected to various hairstyles, chemical treatments, or natural hair coloring, this reconstructor is here to help.

To begin, shampoo your hair as usual and towel-blot it until it is damp. Apply the Keracare Super Reconstructor evenly throughout your hair, using comb to ensure even distribution. Once applied, cover head with a plastic cap and sit under warm hood dryer for 10 minutes. The heat will aid in the penetration of the reconstructor into the cortex of your strands.

After 10 minutes have passed, rinse out the product thoroughly. It’s important not to comb through your wet hair at this stage to avoid breakage or damage. Follow up by applying the Keracare Humecto Creme Conditioner and leave it on for an additional 10 minutes before rinsing again.

By following these steps consistently, you can expect salon-quality results from this treatment. Your hair will become much stronger and more resilient against daily styling stressors. You’ll notice improved elasticity, reduced brittleness, enhanced natural coloration, and increased shine.

Incorporating this salon-quality treatment into your regular routine can help revive dull-looking locks and bring them back to life. Don’t forget that using a hot hair dryer after towel-blotting minimizes frizz while ensuring maximum absorption of products into each strand.

Take control of your hair’s health today by incorporating Avlon Keracare Super Reconstructor into your weekly regimen!

Hair Transformation Effects

To see the transformative effects on your hair, follow these directions and incorporate the Avlon Keracare Super Reconstructor into your routine. This powerful product is designed to extensively repair weak and damaged hair, addressing issues such as shedding, breakage, cuticle degradation, and damage from chemical treatments, heat styling, mechanical stress, or sun exposure.

The Keracare Super Reconstructor penetrates deep within the cortex of your hair to fortify each individual fiber. It forms a fibrillar network that locks in moisture and restores natural porosity to your strands. The low pH formula increases hair elasticity and strength while improving its overall condition.

Using this reconstructor will moisturize your hair and reduce brittleness, resulting in enhanced natural coloration and a beautiful shine. Additionally, it adds volume to your locks while creating a soft and silky texture that you’ll love running your fingers through.

To incorporate the Avlon Keracare Super Reconstructor into your routine, start by applying it to freshly shampooed, towel-blotted hair. Gently comb through to distribute the product evenly. Cover your hair with plastic cap and use a warm hood dryer for 10 minutes to allow the reconstructor’s ingredients to penetrate deeply into each strand.

Afterward, rinse thoroughly without combing and apply the KERACARE HUMECTO CREME CONDITIONER for an additional 10 minutes before rinsing again.

Highly Effective Product

The Avlon Keracare Super Reconstructor is incredibly effective at repairing and improving damaged hair. This product has been formulated with advanced technology to provide extensive repair for weak and damaged hair. It penetrates deep within the cortex, fortifying fractured fibers and forming a fibrillar network to lock in moisture. The Super Reconstructor also restores natural porosity to hair, increasing elasticity and strength while reducing brittleness.

Not only does it improve the condition of your hair, but it also moisturizes, adds shine, enriches natural coloration, and creates volume with a soft and silky texture.

Why Keracare Super Reconstructor Is A Must Have For Hair Care 5

Product Specs

  • Manufacturer: Avlon
  • Customer Reviews: 5 of 5 stars
  • Date First Available: December 28, 2014


  • Extensively repairs weak, damaged hair
  • Restores natural porosity
  • Increases elasticity and strength
  • Moisturizes hair and reduces brittleness
  • Adds shine and enriches natural coloration
  • Creates volume with a soft, silky texture


  • Limited customer reviews are available

Note: Before using any new product on your hair, it’s recommended to perform patch test to check for potential allergic reactions or sensitivities.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Often Should I Use the Keracare Super Reconstructor for Optimal Results?

For optimal results, it’s recommended to use the Keracare Super Reconstructor once every 4-6 weeks. This frequency allows for sufficient time between treatments to allow your hair to recover and maintain its natural balance.

Overusing the product can lead to protein overload, which may cause dryness and brittleness. By following this timeframe, you can effectively repair and strengthen hair without causing any damage or imbalance.

Can the Keracare Super Reconstructor Be Used on All Hair Types?

Yes, the Keracare Super Reconstructor can be used on all hair types. It’s designed to extensively repair weak and damaged hair, addressing shedding, breakage, and severe cuticle and fiber degradation.

The product penetrates deep within the cortex to fortify hair fibers and restore natural porosity. It also moisturizes the hair, reduces brittleness, enhances natural coloration, and creates shine.

Additionally, it increases hair elasticity and strength while producing a soft, silky texture.

Does the Keracare Super Reconstructor Contain Any Harmful Chemicals?

Yes, the Keracare Super Reconstructor does not contain any harmful chemicals. It is formulated to repair weak and damaged hair caused by various factors such as chemical treatments, heat styling, and sun exposure.

The product penetrates deep into the hair fibers to fortify them and restore natural porosity. It also moisturizes the hair, reduces brittleness, enhances coloration, and adds shine.

With its low pH formula, it effectively improves hair condition without any harmful ingredients.

Can the Keracare Super Reconstructor Be Used on Color-Treated Hair?

Yes, the Keracare Super Reconstructor can be used on color-treated hair. It is effective in repairing weak and damaged hair and addressing shedding, breakage, and severe cuticle degradation.

The product penetrates deep within the cortex to fortify hair fibers and restore natural porosity. It also enhances natural coloration, moisturizes the hair, and reduces brittleness.

With its low pH formula, it increases hair elasticity and strength while creating shine and a soft texture.

How Long Does It Take to See Noticeable Results After Using the Keracare Super Reconstructor?

After using the Keracare Super Reconstructor, you might be wondering how long it takes to notice results. Well, let me tell you, my friend.

The wait won’t be too long! This amazing product works its magic in no time. Within just a few uses, you’ll start noticing a significant improvement in your hair’s strength, condition, and overall health.

Say goodbye to weak and damaged locks and hello to shiny, silky hair that will turn heads wherever you go!

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, the Keracare Super Reconstructor is a powerful product that can transform your hair. Its deep conditioning power and intense repair formula work together to strengthen damaged hair, leaving it healthy and nourished.

This salon-quality treatment delivers impressive results, enhancing natural coloration and shine while providing volumized, silky texture. With its ability to rebuild and moisturize, this highly effective product is recommended for use after a relaxer as a protein treatment.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to experience the transformative effects of Keracare Super Reconstructor!

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